YouTube goes after TechCrunch. Congdon on ABC News.

by David Spark on November 16, 2006

So here’s a twist. YouTube has sent a cease and desist letter to TechCrunch, the popular Web 2.0 blog, for copyright infringement. Yes, they’re usually the target, but I guess if you want to score points you have to play offense sometimes. The issue is a tool TechCrunch created to download YouTube videos to your PC. You should know that many of these tools already exist. But YouTube, the same site that uses the defense that it’s not responsible for content uploaded by its users, states in the letter that TechCrunch’s download tool is a tortuous interference of many business practices.

The stories that Amanda Congdon of Rocketboom fame will be going to HBO are true, but she’s also going to be hosting a weekly video blog for ABC News Digital.

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