Don't make ads, make news – Be the Voice podcast

by David Spark on January 20, 2009

Interview with Bob Thacker, Senior VP of Marketing and Advertising for OfficeMax, about building a new voice with their “Life is beautiful. Work can be too” campaign.

What is the “Be the Voice” podcast? Interviews with individuals developing thought leadership for themselves and their organization to drive business growth.
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Here are some of the highlights from my interview with Bob Thacker:

Bob Thacker, SVP of Marketing at OfficeMax


  • Office supplies are not traditionally an exciting and fun space. The category is known for big dull bland spaces that are pretty much all alike.
  • OfficeMax’s “Life is beautiful. Work can be too” campaign is trying to change that viewpoint.
  • ElfYourself was OfficeMax’s attempt to associate its brand with Christmas. It succeeded hugely.
  • ElfYourself was one of twenty applications they tried during the holiday season. It just so happened it was the one that went hugely viral. The Web makes it cost efficient to bet on every horse.
  • Make content people want to pass along.
  • OfficeMax is now trying to associate its brand with fashion. First step, create a comfortable and fashionable work space during Fashion Week.
  • What we want our audience to believe is this is a company that really understands work. We don’t just sell stuff.
  • OfficeMax “made news” by launching “A day made better.” They gave supplies away to teachers. They created and published stories.

Read the entire article and listen to my interview with Bob Thacker [27:30 m].

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