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How to influence the influencers

on July 28, 2011

Your industry’s influencers could be your meal ticket. Your audience listens to the influencers, so if you can get the influencers to listen to you, then you’ve got it made, right? That’s true, but the attempts to get the influencers to listen to you is just that, a self-important discussion.

“Hey, could you come by my booth and pay attention to what we’re doing?”

One of the great ways to get people to pay attention to you, is to pay attention to them first. And one way my business, Spark Media Solutions, does that is by interviewing people. Expressing an interest in others before I ask them to express interest in me or my client.

Today, I appeared on the PJA Radio podcast and spoke with host Michael O’Toole (@motoole1) about just this subject. We spoke a lot about this case study, “How to Become One of the Most Respected Companies in Your Industry.” Listen or download the 33 minute interview.

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