Cranky on AOL and ICQ – who's still on it?

by David Spark on December 21, 2009

This week I joined John C. Dvorak, Sebastian Rupley, and David Coursey for another roundtable tech bash-a-thon better known as Cranky Geeks. All of us are old hats having covered the tech industry each for at least twelve years. On the show I asked the question, “Who still uses ICQ?” I honestly don’t know one person who does. One commenter to the show said there are still tons of ICQ users in Europe and it’s worth $200 million. I didn’t think it was worth more than $20. Are you still using it? With Skype, AOL Instant Messenger, Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and tons of other communications tools with lots more users, why? Watch the 30 minute show here.

John C. Dvorak, Cranky Geeks

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